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Family Buying Bread

Become an American State National Today

Why become a State National? Because it’s about reclaiming your freedom and financial independence. As a State National, you’re no longer tied to systems designed to benefit others at your expense.

By removing yourself from federal obligations like Federal income taxes, you shift your earnings into the private realm—where they’re not subject to taxation. This means more control over your finances, immediate increases in take-home pay, freedom from the burdens of tax season and a whole lot more.



Get back home to the land and soil and experience a new beginning, now!

If you own a business review the business site first

Your Name is a Business

Your Name is Your Business, A Business You Should be Operating.  No one else.

Your name is a business. It is the passthrough for all activity related to you.  It is called a Trade Name and it's used in literally everything you do.  Learning how to take back control and ownership is the most important thing you can do as this step removes the ability for others to use it without your consent, to create debts you don't owe, and for fraud.  It is the very essence of what we know as self-governing.  You cannot govern your life when the very part of you that is used in all daily affairs is owned and operated by something and someone else.


Your name was the very first thing the foreign governmental providers seized from you just days after you were born.  They copyrighted, trademarked, and registered your Trade Name when the birth certificate was created.  


Your Given Name, which is the private and intellectual property your parents gave you when you were born, is the most precious gift ever provided to you. It's an actual asset known as a land asset and it makes money.  It's on every loan, application, and contract you have ever entered into whether the contract was fully disclosed or not. The copyright and trademark placed on your name removed your ability to freely contract with others, created an employee out of you and subjects you to taxes, constant review, scrutiny, and imposes rules over your life repeatedly.  Rules known as statutes and codes.  You, as a U.S. Citizen, are a statutory citizen.  State Nationals are non-statutory as we live and operate in a different jurisdiction.  


Learn more about how a U.S. Citizen is an employee, a taxpayer, and cannot contract with whomever they choose, while a State National is a contractor, free to contract with whomever they choose, operate their own business, and be free of taxes.

A US Citizen is an Employee

What is an Employer Responsible for When They Hire an Employee and Does that Mean that the U.S. Government is My Employer If I'm a U.S. Citizen?

An employer is responsible for paying you on an hourly basis or salary.  The employer provides you with a desk, with a computer and/or whatever equipment is needed to perform the job. Because they are providing you with a workspace, equipment, and pay they, in exchange, get to monitor you by reviewing your work, recording your calls, using video technology or whatever they choose to monitor your performance.  They tell you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, when to come in, when to leave, and they can fire you at any time.  If they choose to use tactics that threaten your job they can easily do that too.  And, you think your employer is covering your healthcare and benefits but that is coming out of your pay.  You work more and they make more.  You get paid less—and they still get paid more. This is identical to your relationship with your government.  The U.S. Government is the employer of the U.S. Citizen. The U.S. Citizen is an employee.




Ship's Wheel

Incorporated is Admiralty and Denotes A Specific Jurisdiction

Incorporated = subject = ("legal" person) under the King or foreign governmental service provider and denotes a specific jurisdiction where you are not free. Subjects of these governmental "incorporated corporations" are known as employees, subjects, indigents, wards of the state, criminals, infant decedents, chattle, U.S. Citizens.  

Unincorporated Denotes the Land & Soil Jurisdiction 

Unincorporated = sovereign = (lawful person) self-governing, free to make decisions that are best for himself/herself and denotes a specific jurisdiction which is known as the land and soil. These are Americans also known as State Nationals and can also operate themselves as a living man or woman and as an unincorporated business person. They are never employees, ever.  

Learn what Nationality really means!

State National Benefits

Why We Make the Choice to Correct our Status 

You get to learn how to begin operating in another jurisdiction.  Because State Nationals can actually own property as opposed to just titles, can revoke their election to pay Federal Income taxes (as long as they are not receiving Federal Income), can create liens against their names giving global notice of their interest and ownership in their assets, and are owed lawful money and credit can lodge their claims for access to their estate.  With this said here are the first things that are, typically, learned by doing.


  • Completing proper notices of the corrected status and sending the IRS and Internal Revenue Service their choice to revoke their election to pay Federal Income Taxes.

  • Completing proper paperwork, if they are an employee working for a corporation, to remove Federal Income taxes from their paycheck.

  • Completing proper paperwork to update their passport as a State National and not a U.S Citizen.

  • Complete claims by publishing and recording their State National paperwork as proof of status and create an account with an international trade bank to receive what is owed of our estates in the form of pre-paid credit provided to us monthly.  (these accounts are providing reparations on a monthly basis in lawful money but are not live yet).  These are first come first serve and with more people learning about this the wait is longer at this time.

  • Complete their own property and land claims reconveying their deed to the land & soil protecting themselves as landlords and powerholders as opposed to resident and tenants. 

  • Learning how to enforce through notices and liens done appropriately as their own attorney-in-fact.

  • Learn how to handle a court summon by responding with a No-UCC Contract.


These are just to name a few of the first things to get started with as we unfold ourselves as best as we can away from the matrix.

State National With Secured Party and Land Document & Learning Package

You place your order and complete your information form and we create all of your documents for you.  Your documents are ready to go within 1-4 days.  Zero waiting.  All you do is follow the steps within your guide and checklist and be completely done within a few days. You will be an expert by the time you are done and can perhaps help others too!  We have an additional business package you can add on now or later if you have a business or would like to start one helping Americans break free.  You'll find it lower on this page by scrolling to the end.

Details below


  • PART 1 - A suite of 12 essential documents to establish you being a State National, unincorporated, and ownership in your name and estate via a common law copyright and more.

  • Key notifications, notices, to revoke Federal income taxes (as long as you are not receiving Federal dollars), remove voter registration, denote bank accounts (for banking only) as private accounts, and to let the Secretary of State for the U.S. and the STATE OF STATE know about your status correction.

  • Learn how to autograph as an American with your common law copyright.

  • Learn the use of publishing with options to publish & record in 5 different ways.​​​

  • PART 2 - Learn how to secure your international interest in your names, STRAWMEN, by completing a Finance Statement, Non-UCC Lien, and Agriculture lien to reclaim land interests.

  • Emancipation documents with proof of fraud and your footprint.  This set of documents sits behind your UCC Liens as proof of the fraud that has taken place to provide yourself with your reversionary trust interest.


Free Resources & Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Learning Kit **must have the State National package

  • Instructions on obtaining a Prosperity Account where we are receiving funding in the form of pre-paid credit for debt relief.  *Accounts are accessible, but funds are not accessible yet.  You MUST have State National package This is gold-backed currency that is on the world stage right now.

  • Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced learning on what is money, the difference between fiat and lawful money/asset backed/gold backed, advanced learning on financial system and fraud.  (if you want to speak like a pro you will want to take these courses).

  • Instructions on obtaining a new passport as a non-U.S. Citizen.

  • Learn how to use the Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption Process for debt with advanced instructions and guidance.  This is a process that takes time, repetition and practice. Beginner, intermediate and advanced learning.

  • Learn how to use the Administrative and Conditional Acceptance Process with Liens for debt and empower yourself with enforcement.  This is a process that takes time, knowledge and repetition to advance skills and conversions. Intermediate and advanced learning.

  • Instructions on How to Authenticate Your Birth Certificate.

  • Learn how to use the No UCC Contract Trust Return Service for court summons.

  • Continued Learning & Resources

Place Order for 24 Hour Turnaround

‪(726) 842-3657‬

Gig Launch Academy Unincorporated

c/o PO Box 782178

San Antonio, Texas 78278

U.S. Federal Public Persons and Municipal Corporations and their Employees and Dependents are entering at their own risk.  All information provided is general in nature and for education and information purposes only.

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